Take these important steps to stop unwanted phone calls and direct mail because of Credit BureausDeciding to buy a home and get a mortgage with MCT? As a necessary part of the mortgage application process, your credit report will be pulled from one or more credit bureaus (Experian®, TransUnion®, Equifax® and Innovis®). This triggers an "inquiry" and the credit bureaus then turn around and sell your name to other, less-reputable mortgage lenders. Unfortunately, it's not against the law for credit bureaus to sell your information to third-party vendors. This is called a trigger lead. Due to current market conditions, there appear to more companies purchasing this data from credit bureaus than in the past. Mauch Chunk Trust Company wants to educate customers about steps they can take to protect against credit bureaus selling their data for use with unsolicited marketing. How You Can Stop Trigger LeadsYou're about to enter into one of the biggest transactions of your life, and the last thing you need is an unknown loan rep calling or texting you and offering up phony interest rates. Deal with Mauch Chunk Trust Company, not some telemarketer. Don't ever buy anything through unsolicited phone calls or text messages from anyone else. MCT recommends these two ways to stop trigger lead harassment, and also potentially reduce the number of unsolicited phone calls you receive every day:
Questions? Please contact us or speak with one of our Trusted Personal Bankers at any MCT Office. Sources: |